Database: puropartypuroparty
Table: asLinks_configasLinks_config

Showing rows 0 - 16 (17 total, Query took 0.0041 sec)
FROM `asLinks_config`
LIMIT 0 , 30
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Edit Delete adUsername ppcru Your admin username Admin Username
Edit Delete adPassword pasale1 Your admin password Admin Password
Edit Delete adEmail Your admin email address Admin Email
Edit Delete adWebTitle Your website title Website Title
Edit Delete adWebDescription Latino Entertainment Your website description Website Description
Edit Delete adWebURL Your backlink URL Website Address
Edit Delete dbHost Your database host Database Host
Edit Delete dbUsername puroparty Your database username Database Username
Edit Delete dbPassword pasale1 Your database password Database Password
Edit Delete dbName puroparty Your database name Database Name
Edit Delete emailThanks We have received your submission and will review your link asap. Thank you for submitting link Thank You Email
Edit Delete emailApprove Your link has been approved! Approved link email Approved Link
Edit Delete emailNoRecip We are unable to find a reciprocal link, your link has been approved here: No reciprocal link found No Reciprocal
Edit Delete emailNewLink You have received a new link submission. New link added New Link
Edit Delete emailSig Regards Admin Email signature Email Signature
Edit Delete installDir Directory of installation Installation Directory
Edit Delete chosenSkin default Skin template Skin Template
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