Database: puropartypuroparty
Table: wp_sitemetawp_sitemeta

Showing rows 0 - 25 (26 total, Query took 0.0048 sec)
FROM `wp_sitemeta`
ORDER BY `meta_value` ASC
LIMIT 0 , 30
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Edit Delete 3 1 admin_user_id 1
Edit Delete 17 1 admin_user_id 1
Edit Delete 6 1 blog_upload_space 10
Edit Delete 20 1 blog_upload_space 10
Edit Delete 7 1 fileupload_maxk 1500
Edit Delete 21 1 fileupload_maxk 1500
Edit Delete 10 1 illegal_names a:10:{i:0;s:3:"www";i:1;s:3:"web";i:2;s:4:"root";i:3;s:5:"admin";i:4;s:4:"main";i:5;s:6:"invite";i:6;s:13:"administrator";i:7;s:9:"puroparty";i:8;s:4:"puro";i:9;s:9:"webmaster";}
Edit Delete 8 1 site_admins a:1:{i:0;s:5:"admin";}
Edit Delete 22 1 site_admins a:1:{i:0;s:5:"admin";}
Edit Delete 14 1 menu_items a:1:{s:7:"plugins";s:1:"1";}
Edit Delete 9 1 allowedthemes a:4:{s:6:"Ygoajx";b:1;s:7:"default";b:1;s:4:"home";b:1;s:9:"videoblog";b:1;}
Edit Delete 23 1 allowedthemes a:4:{s:6:"Ygoajx";b:1;s:7:"default";b:1;s:4:"home";b:1;s:9:"videoblog";b:1;}
Edit Delete 24 1 illegal_names a:7:{i:0;s:3:"www";i:1;s:3:"web";i:2;s:4:"root";i:3;s:5:"admin";i:4;s:4:"main";i:5;s:6:"invite";i:6;s:13:"administrator";}
Edit Delete 25 1 welcome_email Dear User,

Your new SITE_NAME blog has been successfully set up at:

You can log in to the administrator account with the following information:
Username: USERNAME
Password: PASSWORD
Login Here: BLOG_URLwp-login.php

We hope you enjoy your new blog.

--The Team @ SITE_NAME
Edit Delete 11 1 welcome_email Dear User,

Your new SITE_NAME blog has been successfully set up at:

You can log in to the administrator account with the following information:
Username: USERNAME
Password: PASSWORD
Login Here: BLOG_URLwp-login.php

We hope you enjoy your new blog.

--The Team @ SITE_NAME
Edit Delete 5 1 upload_filetypes jpg jpeg png gif mp3 mov avi wmv midi mid pdf flv
Edit Delete 19 1 upload_filetypes jpg jpeg png gif mp3 mov avi wmv midi mid pdf flv
Edit Delete 4 1 registration none
Edit Delete 18 1 registration none
Edit Delete 15 1 site_name PP Blogs
Edit Delete 1 1 site_name PuroParty Blogs
Edit Delete 2 1 admin_email
Edit Delete 16 1 admin_email
Edit Delete 12 1 first_post Welcome to <a href=\"SITE_URL\">SITE_NAME</a>. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Edit Delete 26 1 first_post Welcome to <a href=\"SITE_URL\">SITE_NAME</a>. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Edit Delete 13 1 registrationnotification yes
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