Database: puropartypuroparty
Table: wp_8_postmetawp_8_postmeta

Showing rows 0 - 15 (16 total, Query took 0.0005 sec)
FROM `wp_8_postmeta`
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Edit Delete 8 4 _wp_attachment_metadata a:6:{s:5:"width";i:170;s:6:"height";i:255;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:22:"height='96' width='64'";s:4:"file";s:94:"/home/5/3/6/23209/23209/public_html/ppblogs/wp-content/blogs.dir/8/files//2008/08/pop-logo.png";s:5:"sizes";a:1:{s:9:"thumbnail";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:20:"pop-logo-150x150.png";s:5:"width";i:150;s:6:"height";i:150;}}s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";i:0;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:0;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}}
Edit Delete 7 4 _wp_attached_file /home/5/3/6/23209/23209/public_html/ppblogs/wp-content/blogs.dir/8/files//2008/08/pop-logo.png
Edit Delete 11 5 _edit_lock 1219257955
Edit Delete 15 6 _edit_lock 1219304881
Edit Delete 19 7 _edit_lock 1219305196
Edit Delete 23 8 _edit_lock 1219305465
Edit Delete 25 9 _edit_lock 1220844285
Edit Delete 29 10 _edit_lock 1220844456
Edit Delete 33 11 _edit_lock 1221033400
Edit Delete 12 5 _edit_last 6
Edit Delete 16 6 _edit_last 6
Edit Delete 20 7 _edit_last 6
Edit Delete 24 8 _edit_last 6
Edit Delete 26 9 _edit_last 6
Edit Delete 30 10 _edit_last 6
Edit Delete 34 11 _edit_last 6
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