Database: puropartypuroparty
Table: phorum_settingsphorum_settings

Showing rows 0 - 29 (55 total, Query took 0.0004 sec)
FROM `phorum_settings`
LIMIT 0 , 30
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Edit Delete use_rss V 1
Edit Delete use_new_folder_style V 1
Edit Delete use_cookies V 1
Edit Delete use_bcc V 1
Edit Delete user_time_zone V 1
Edit Delete user_template V 0
Edit Delete user_edit_timelimit V 0
Edit Delete tz_offset V 0
Edit Delete track_user_activity V 86400
Edit Delete title V PuroParty Phorum
Edit Delete tight_security V 0
Edit Delete system_email_from_name V  
Edit Delete system_email_from_address V
Edit Delete status V normal
Edit Delete show_new_on_index V 1
Edit Delete short_session_timeout V 60
Edit Delete session_timeout V 30
Edit Delete session_path V /
Edit Delete session_domain V  
Edit Delete reply_on_read_page V 0
Edit Delete registration_control V 1
Edit Delete register_email_confirm V 0
Edit Delete redirect_after_post V list
Edit Delete PROFILE_FIELDS S a:2:{s:10:"num_fields";i:1;i:0;a:3:{s:4:"name";s:9...
Edit Delete private_key V #ghN9OQqEUXei1ooIAxmgapZ5%zCs&EEv1sEQi@u
Edit Delete mod_smileys S a:4:{s:6:"prefix";s:22:"./mods/smileys/images/";s:...
Edit Delete mods S a:4:{s:4:"html";i:0;s:7:"replace";i:0;s:7:"smileys...
Edit Delete max_pm_messagecount V  
Edit Delete max_file_size V 0
Edit Delete internal_version V 2007031400
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