Database: puropartypuroparty
Table: ads_systemads_system

Showing rows 0 - 29 (46 total, Query took 0.0098 sec)
FROM `ads_system`
LIMIT 0 , 30
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Edit Delete 66 integration uus
Edit Delete 6 meta_desc The PuroParty Ads system will allow your visitors ...
Edit Delete 62 css style.css
Edit Delete 4 meta_key puroparty, puro, party, clubs, events, concerts, h...
Edit Delete 30 from_email
Edit Delete 64 banner ppbanwpp468x60.gif
Edit Delete 2 title PP Events List
Edit Delete 16 language english
Edit Delete 12 page_footer Copyright PuroParty (r) 1999 - 2007<br>
All Right...
Edit Delete 10 page_header <head>
<META name="description" content="Welcome ...
Edit Delete 14 page_width 750
Edit Delete 32 max_size 500
Edit Delete 82 numrss 5
Edit Delete 68 panel_top 32
Edit Delete 72 cat_columns 3
Edit Delete 78 display 265
Edit Delete 28 expired_check 2007-09-21
Edit Delete 90 max_size_orig 2000
Edit Delete 42 num_images 2
Edit Delete 74 list_columns 2
Edit Delete 86 payment_modules 1||1||||||
Edit Delete 54 time_1_multiplier 1|0.00
Edit Delete 56 time_2_multiplier 1|0.00
Edit Delete 58 time_3_multiplier 1|0.00
Edit Delete 60 time_4_multiplier 1|0.00
Edit Delete 8 auto_approve 1
Edit Delete 34 allow_featured 1
Edit Delete 36 allow_bold 1
Edit Delete 38 allow_italic 1
Edit Delete 40 allow_color 1
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